
Saturday, October 25, 2014


Took me forever to learn how a person walks, but it was worth it I guess.

Sorry for no color, I tend not to color this because I draw manga.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Status Symbols: Coat of Arms concept board

Coat of arms and family crests of Europe follow eight rules that cause each crest to be both similar and different.  The shield is to represent the family or country’s strength, while the helmet that rests atop of it indicates the family’s rank as well as wreath that is attached to it that uses the two main colors of the emblem(not prominent in GB Coat).  The top mantle is a reminder of the Crusades in which the Roman Catholic Church ordered the attack on the holy land.  The crest is a decoration that was originally placed atop the the helmet in jousting tournaments.  In Great Britain’s coat of arms the shield is being held by the lion and unicorn.  These are the supporters.  The crown above the helmet is what signifies the family’s power and rank (ie. crown for royal crown).  The motto, many times in latin are either on the mantle at the bottom, wrapped around the shield.  The sections of the shield represent rank as well.  This is found in all European and many Middle Eastern coats.  Asian coat of arms resemble family crests from clans.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Thursday, October 2, 2014

What inspires me?

Well, that's an odd question.  Maybe I'll do some super generic and non-specific answer like:  THE WORLD INSPIRES ME!!

But really, anything can inspire me, and with an attention span on the same level as a squirrel I can find a faint interest in something as random as a speck of dirt.

I get a lot of my inspiration from random things that pop up in my mind.  If I am reading about Greek mythology, I can suddenly come up with a storyboard for the child of Persephone and Hades.

I never outgrew that imagination that most kids have when they are five, so I guess that helps.

YAY ME!!!!

Bye bye ~puru