
Monday, April 27, 2015

Microaggression. It's innocently racist.

The great list of microaggressions and their context

"You're Chinese, right?"  In Elementary school, a lot.  Also, when I went to my friend's house her mom said that, and she was asian was well.

"No, what's your REAL name?"  This is less common, but happened in elementary school, but only by the girls.  My guy friends never said anything like that.

"你会说中文吗?"  I get this a lot when I'm in the subway, airport, or anywhere near Times Square or Chinatown.  Do I look Chinese?  I'm Vietnamese.

"You must be adopted."  Well, I am adopted, but just because I'm Asian and I speak English doesn't mean I'm automatically adopted.

"How long have you been living here"  This is an irritating thing people on vacation in America ask, especially the Asian visitors.

"do you speak English?"  This is kind of my fault, but it's also the other side's fault.  I go to Kinokuniya and Book Off a lot and I get this a lot.  Everyone asks me if I speak English even though I'm in the English Manga section.  I kind of understand this when I'm in the Japanese Manga section at Kinokuniya, but they say it REALLY slowly.  I'm pretty sure they think I'm Japanese.  Do I look Japanese?

"It's was your birthday yesterday, did you have Asian food?"  Sure, I like Asian food but don't just think I eat Asian food.  Actually, this year I had Italian food for my birthday.

"I wish I had your hair, it's so dark"  Thanks, I guess.  I mean, a lot of people want my hair.

"well, of course you're good at math"
"It makes sense you're not good at English"
"I love your way of life.  I'm totally Buddist"
"What's your first language"