
Monday, September 29, 2014

Letter Project Reflection

1. When starting the letter project I immediately started by thinking "outside the box" by thinking of not only the latin alphabet.  I wanted to use a letter that had more meaning to it than just spelling.  After picking the letter Δ (delta) I decided to think about cycles and changes, as that what the letter Δ (delta) stands for.  I found that choosing a letter first was very helpful because in my experience the letter needs to be represented in the letter, and vise versa.

2. I picked the letter Δ (delta) because it signifies change, and I am constantly trying to change myself for the better.  I thought of things that change and came up with two ideas: flowers and life.  After narrowing it down to two ideas I picked flowers because my true given name, Mai (梅), is translated to apricot blossoms in means apricot blossoms in Vietnamese.  I represented the idea of apricot blossoms changing with the seasons by drawing them in three different parts of their life cycle: late winter, spring, and summer.  This represents my idea of change because the flowers represent the changing season and the change in myself.

3. The most challenging part of the project for me was coloring it.  I tend to draw in black and white because I draw manga, so changing to color threw me though a loop.  When I shade I use hatching and cross hatching because it is a simple way to create volume without too much hassle.  Changing to color and having to use different pressure to draw was jarring.

4. I am satisfied with my project, but just barely.  I would have loved more time on it to really make the colors pop.  I would have also liked to conduct more research in how to draw flowers.  The flowers look very 2-dimensional and it bothers me a bit.

5. If I could change something about the design, I would make the girl look more human and less like a manga character.  I want to learn how to draw more realistic people, or at least more Berserkesque.
A drawing of the fictional ship The Seahorse from Berserk.  All shading done with hatching or screen tones
Just starting to color
Almost done coloring


  1. Cool design Alison! It reminds me of those Asian artworks that I saw at museums. But overall, it's a really nice design that clearly depicts your letter.

  2. Very detailed, i like the use of color as well ! It does look more like a manga character but i think it fits well with the concept.

  3. its really cool design and reminds me of the graphics in the show Winnie the Pooh. I enjoy seeing how the aspects of nature come together to form a letter a without losing its form of being individual plants.

  4. I like that you added your inspiration for the project. It makes your thought process very clear.

  5. I thought your letter was an unusual choice, in a good way. You thought out side of the box and chose a letter that is not as common as the letters of the English language, which reminds me that A-Z aren't the only letters in existence. Also I thought the person in the middle disrupted the design of the Delta, but overall, it was a well executed design, great job!

  6. Cool design! I know you said you wanted to do a letter that has more meaning to it than just spelling, but how did you decide on delta? (I actually thought it was a D yesterday haha...whoops) I also really like your color choices, you did a great job at blending the yellow and the orange.

  7. I think it's really creative that you chose delta for your letter and I love the colors you chose. The yellow and orange for the flowers go well with the brown branches and green leaves and the way you varied the size of each flower makes it all the more interesting. I think this came out very well!

  8. I really like the idea or concept. I can tell that it took a lot of work but it takes a while for the viewer to determine what letter it is. I think the part that makes its difficult to see the "A" is the lady in the middle. But overall i like the idea and the work you put it into it.

  9. I think the art style of the girl in the design serves to act as a reminder to natural beauty and such. Or maybe she's hiding her face because when we see the design we immediately notice the yellow flowers and the braches and see them as colorful and pretty with the girl seemingly to appear like the flowers, hidden beauty in our now more oblivious world.

  10. You have such a unique design completely different from every single one of us. Instead of using the regular letters of the alphabet you used delta. Also I like how the letter is personal and it signifies you as a person. The flowers are really intricate.

  11. The meaning behind your concept is very sweet, yet all the aspects of it connect in a nice way. In terms of the drawing, it's super well drawn. The colors are soft and hopeful which does remind me of spring. However I like how the girl is drawn because it doesn't overcrowd the drawing with too much detail and take away from the flowers. Also her hat covering her face makes a more shy feeling but enhances the softness of the design. Overall super well done!
